Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány

A Hungarian Non Profit

(Americans for Hungarians Foundation)

Pro Ecclesia Hungariae - In Honor of Hungary--- In Memory of Dr. Balogh Elemér

2016 Commemoration of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

60th Anniversary Year 

October 23, 1956.Hungarians from all walks of life rose up against insurmountable odds to fight the brutal Soviet-installed Communist government. Thousands died fighting, tens of thousands were wounded and imprisoned, others – men, women, and children - tortured and executed, while 200,000 fled their homeland, many to the USA.

Their enormous sacrifice may have seemed futile then, but today it is universally recognized as having contributed to the ultimate demise of Soviet domination of Central and Eastern Europe and the restoration of constitutional democracy and independence in Hungary and the region. 

The Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Közhasznú Alapítvány, the Amerikai Magyar Klub and us Hungarian Americans pay tribute to the heroes of 1956 who gave their lives for freedom in Hungary... Balogh Gyula Elemér, President


Americans for Hungarians
Model T Ford designed by Hungarian-American Joe Galamb displayed at Klub Inaugural
One Year Anniversary

November 2010. The Amerikai Magyar Klub celebrated its one year anniversary and Thanksgiving at the Balneum Hotel in Tisszafüred. Kékessy György the President of the Tiszántúli Region of the Klub was the host, the guest of honor was Varga Mihály, head of the Office of the Prime Minister and member of parliament.

The guests included Tiszafüred Mayor Pintér Erika, Magyar Kalman and Judit, the founder of the Amerikaik a Magyarokért Alapítvány, Kékessy Dezső and wife Barbara, Brumbauer Tibor, Kun Éva and Zámori Ilona both Dr. Balogh Elemér seminar alumnae, Kováts Mihály Általános Iskola head Chrappánné Papp Ágnes, and the Lipcsey family.

Host: Kékessy György

We Honor the Memory

of President

Ronald Reagan

On the 100th anniversary of his birthday

Szabadság tér in Budapest

2PM on June 29th, 2011

the unveiling of his statue



Concentration Camp

was founded more than

65 years ago

The most feared of the Hungarian gulags run by the AVH opened its gates in 1950.


Sixty nine years ago, in the autumn of 1950, the Recsk concentration camp was founded in total secrecy. This was the most feared of the more than 100 punishment and labour camps run by the AVH, or Hungarian Secret Police.  The camp existed only from 1950-1953, when it was closed down by Imre Nagy.  Thousands lost their lives there in inhumane conditions design to crush the soul and destroy those who were placed there. Torture was commonplace, cruelty was expected, and thousands entered the camps and never left.  Those who lost their lives in the camps were buried in mass graves, none of which have yet been found.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" 
(John F. Kennedy)
We must never forget the sacrifices that Hungarians made in the 
1956 Hungarian Revolution against Russian Communist Occupiers
A play with a moving tribute on October 20 , 2024 by young Americans of Hungarian descent 
belonging to the Hungarian Scouts in Exteris at the Hungarian American Athletic Club NJ
October 5, 2024 15th Anniversary Celebration
v. Balogh Gyula Elemér, Stricz Walter, Dreisziger Stricz Zsuzsa,  Dolhai Luca, Dolhai Attila and Rajkó Orchestra

Wake up America!

Opinion - the US and Hungary's survival are at stake

Accomplishments of Biden-Harris and friends


Our freedom of speech is in danger of being lost.

Our judiciary system is being used to destroy political opponents.

Government organizations are violating our privacy.

Foreign policy is leading to disaster, perhaps World War III.


Our economy is such that a middle class family can barely support a 4 person family.  

More than 10 million illegals live in our country with no controls.

The illegals are taking jobs from our citizens.


Some blue states are handing citizen voting rights to illegals.

A number of states do not require voters to give ID when registering and voting.

Inperson, email and computer vote counting with no controls to verify them is dangerous.


Voting is not a Holywood show!

This is your, your children and grandchildrens’ future at stake!


Vote for those who care about America and have already done something for us.

One past President already has!

Congress is mixed, but the Democrats have not prevented this disaster!

Go and vote for the future of America and Hungary!

We thank God for saving the life of our former President Donald Trump!
We wish him well toward his goal of saving and reconstructing the America 
that our ancestors came here for. May God continue to protect him.
Our Foundation Supports the Victims of the
Russian Ukraine War

Three members of our Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány (Foundation) and the Hangya Alapítvány (Foundation)
 went to Kisvarda in the area of the Hungarian Ukraine border to evaluate the situation as well as to honor the German Foundation that has been supporting Hungary with hospital supplies and other charitable supplies.
(details shortly).
Our Foundation Supports the Hungarian Covid Orphans

Four of our Kuratorium members attended the wonderful Friends of Hungary Conference, at the opening hosted at the Presidential Palace by Hungarian President Janos Ader. Ms. Zsuzsanna Dreisziger representing our Alapítvány and 
the American Hungarian Federation as Co-President offered the two organizations support for the Regőczi Alapítvány founded privately by President Ader for Covid Orphans. She also thanked him and his spouse Anita Herceg for hosting us at this elegant Palace each year and for their many activities on behalf of Hungary.

To support the Covid orphans from the USA please donate to the American Hungarian Federation a 501 (3) (c) organization at  web site www.American Hungarian where it requests it for this purpose.

2021 Commemoration of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

65th Anniversary Year 

October 23, 1956.Hungarians from all walks of life rose up against insurmountable odds to fight the brutal Soviet-installed Communist government. Thousands died fighting, tens of thousands were wounded and imprisoned, others – men, women, and children - tortured and executed, while 200,000 fled their homeland, many to the USA.Their 

enormous sacrifice may have seemed futile then, but today it is universally recognized as having contributed to the ultimate demise of Soviet domination of Central and Eastern Europe and the restoration of constitutional democracy 

and independence in Hungary and the region.

In October 2006 the Hungarian communist/socialist regime under Ferenc Gyurcsány brutally repressed demonstrations protesting the MSZP government's lies and activities. (Our Foundation President was in Hungary that month).  In 2021 Gyurcsány is sponsoring a coalition of extremist parties in the upcoming elections. There is an emotional movie just released called ELK*RTUK (elkurtuk or we screwed up) about the lies and deceit and brutal repressions by the MSZP government in 2006.

                                               23, 2021 a few hundred thousand remembered                   Elderly disabled lady sacrificed to remember

We Honor the Victims of the 9/11
attack on the World Trade Center
including my friend
Erica Van Acker
May God Bless The USA

We pray that love, civility and rationality return to our sacred land, and
 that our leaders follow the Constitution and protect our democracy.

The Bible Stories and Books for Young Children

For American families of Hungarian Descent

Our foundation is distributing 700 copies of Bible materials in

various American Hungarian communities

(Sample of the books below)

"Hungarians Thank America"

Our Foundation helps to create this representative documentary  movie about the wonderful history of Hungarians in the USA over the past 100 years, their contributions to America as well as the effect of  the 1956 revolution. Thanks from American Ambassadors from both parties, as well as reflections from American Hungarians.

Previews of this more than 100 years history  have been shown in limited American Hungarian venues, as well as the Hungarian Embassy in DC. Please contact us to have an in person group showing.   The materials are property of the Americans for Hungarians A Nonprofit NJ Corporation, and may not be reproduced without written permission..

The Year 2020
Have a Blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

Remember the 1956 Hungarian Revolution against Communists
October 23, 2020 Remember 1956

Angyal Pista was executed on December 1, 1958 by the Communists in Hungary.  His last words, before being hanged were: "Hungary always fought for the freedom of all mankind.  It was an honor to be the son of such a nation."

Honoring the freedom fighters on the streets of Budapest!

By Frank Kapitan, HRFA Branch 300 Manager and 1956er, at the October 2006 HRFA Kossuth House Remembrance.   (the communist Gyurcsany ruled in 2006 in Hungary)

All over the world we remember and celebrate 1956.  We talk about Imre Nagy, Maleter, Kadar, and Khrushchev.  We write books about those days in October;  and at assemblies and gala dinners we honor the “freedom fighters”.

But who were the freedom fighters?  Who are we honoring? Today I am honoring Szigetvári István!  And the freedom fighters on the streets of Budapest! 

Click to continue

Our Honor and Patriotism insist that we remember
that 100 years ago Hungary was
dismembered by the unjust Treaty of Trianon.

"The greatest catastrophe to have befallen Hungary since the battle of Mohacs in 1526," the Treaty of Trianon in 1920, was extremely harsh on Hungary and unjustifiably one-sided. The resulting "treaty" lost Hungary an unprecedented 2/3 of her territory, and 1/2 of her total population or 1/3 of her ethnic-Hungarian population. Add to this the loss of all her seaports, up to 90% of her vast natural resources, industry, railways, and other infrastructure. Millions of Hungarians saw borders arbitrarily redrawn around them, virtually without plebiscites, ignoring President Wilson's lofty goal of national self-determination. We are thankful that the US was the only major power that did not sign this despicable Treaty.
(They) drew a thick red line at Trianon (treaty).
God looks, smiles, and waits.
Sooner or later He will show them,
that the true border is His.

2019 December Advent-Mikulas program

This year our Foundation Co-President, Dreisziger Zsuzsanna, designed and initiated a joint Advent -Mikulas program for the American Hungarian Federation of which she is also a Board member, that would show solidarity and friendship with the Hungarian Scouts (Association in Exteris) and the Washington Hungarian Embassy at this holy time of Christmas. Over 125 children were delighted by the wonderful Hungarian Christmas songs and verses performed by the six member Anna and Tamás Toth family who traveled from New Brunswick, New Jersey to DC. Lilla Subert of the Washington scouts and Zita Mirk and others from the Embassy, as well as Hollossy Gyuri, Bollok Barbara, Stumpf Marika, Kerekes Judit and others contributed to this moving event.

Foundation Board Members, persons of many religions
attend the extraordinary Hungarian Christmas
music program at St. Ladislaus Catholic Church
in New Brunswick, New Jersey,
led by László Hajdu Németh.

pics by Varga Gyula

2019 Commemoration of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

63d Anniversary Year 

Our Foundation Kuratorium members, President Balogh, Co-President Dreisziger Zsuzsanna , part of the 150 guests that attended the 1956 remembrance on October 21, 2019 at the John F. Kennedy Reach Center held by the Hungarian Embassy in DC. They also represented the American Hungarian Federation, as did Anikó Gáal Schott, Dr. Imre Nemeth, Paul Kamenar, Atilla Kocsis, Ted Boone, Zoltán Bagdy and others.  

Our Foundation Kuratorium members, which included Dr. Judit Kerekes in addition to Mr. Balogh and Ms. Dreisziger, also attended the New York Hungarian Consulate 1956 remembrance in New York City, which was attended by over 100 persons.  Dr. István Pásztor, NY Hungarian Head Consul gave a moving remembrance speech. 

Celebrating Advent in the USA December 2018

Three of our Foundation's Kuratorium members, Zsuzsanna Dreisziger-Stricz, Dr. Judit Kerekes and Gyula Elemér Balogh attended this moving Advent celebration at the Hungarian American Athletic Club of New Brunswick sponsored by the American Hungarian Federation.This wonderful event was about what the Hungarian family really means, about the excitement of children at Christmas, about love, about celebrating Advent, about working together, about remembering our Hungarian heritage and Christmas folk tales and songs.Ms. Dreisziger who is also on the Board of the Federation served as Master of Ceremonies and designed the program, greeted the 95 guests including 17 children from 6 states. She expressed gratitude to Dr. Imre Szakács, Diplomat Responsible for the Hungarian Community, Judit Czákó, Foreign Affairs Attache,  from the New York Consulate, and Peter Gyombolai, Senior Advisor - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary from the Washington DC Embassy for attending the Advent Program with their families. Ms. Dreisziger thanked the Hungarian American Athletic Club of New Jersey for their help and  letting AHF hold their Advent program there and Father Imre Juhasz, Marika Stumpf and her husband János, Dr. Judit Kerekes, Judit Papp, and Anna Rose Tóth and Tamás Tóth for their work in making this event successful and creating a heartfelt environment. read more on the AHF web site

St. Stephen’s Day

(Szent István Nap),

August 20, 2018

St. Stephen of Hungary (Szent István király) was the first king of Hungary and he laid the foundation of the state by converting the Magyar people to Christianity. Hungary was established as a Christian Catholic kingdom under Stephen I (István), a descendant of Árpád, the Magyar leader who united the tribes into one nation in the Carpathian Basin. Stephen was crowned on Christmas Day 1000 AD in the then capital, Esztergom, where he was born. He greatly expanded Hungarian control over the Carpathian Basin, establishing Christianity in the region and is generally considered to be the founder of Hungary. He was canonized in 1083, becoming the most popular saint in Hungary and its patron saint.

 Statement by US Secretary of State Pompeo

 Hungary National Day

August 20, 2018

On behalf of the Government of the United States, it is my pleasure to congratulate the people of Hungary on the occasion of Saint Stephen’s Day.

Hungary is a close friend and ally of the United States.  We value our cooperation on many important issues, including defense cooperation, regional European security, and energy diversification.  We deeply respect Hungary’s rich history, culture, and traditions, and we are grateful for the many contributions that Hungarian immigrants have made to American society in an array of fields, from the arts to business to technology.  Bilateral exchanges and a growing trade relationship help strengthen the robust people-to-people ties that bind our two countries together today.

We look forward to continued partnership with Hungary to advance our shared interests and commitment to freedom and prosperity in Europe.

2018 Friends of Hungary Foundation Conference

President Balogh Gyula and Co-President Dreisziger Zsuzsanna attended the three day conference at the Budapest Vigadó and the Magyar Tudományos Akadémia. The annual conference is hosted by the Foundation Chair Dr. Szilveszter Vizi, and had participants from over 30 countries. Highlights of the evening included an extraordinary concert by the Pannon Children's Choir from Pécs with songs by Bartok, Kodaly, folk and patriotic songs. They were invited as a result of Co-President Zsuzsanna Dreisziger recommending them to the Foundation. PM Viktor Orbán and President János Áder gave moving welcome speeches and updates on the future of Hungary.

Hungarian Elections 2018


The record voter turnout of about 70% of eligible voters gave Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's Fidesz Party a 2/3 majority in parliament for the next four years with 134 seats. The Jobbik Party took 25 Seats, MSZP - Párbeszéd had 20 seats, DK had 9, LMP had 8, others totaled 3 seats.


The Fidesz Party ran primarily on a platform of patriotism and defending Hungary from invasion by Muslim and African migrants, and stopping the influence of George Soros and his buying up the other parties. The other parties ran on a platform of allowing mass migrants and accusing the current government of corruption, curtailing free press and other criticisms.

Hungary has historically allowed immigrants from other countries, but they are a freedom loving people who have constantly fought against occupation and invasion of their country. They were occupied by the Muslim Turks for over 150 years, fought against being ruled by the Hapsburgh Monarchy in 1848, rose up against Soviet occupation in 1956. So it is not surprising that they voted against mass invasion of migrants from Muslim and other countries.

Our Foundation honors the 110th Anniversary of the
American Hungarian Federation and those who
gave selflessly to help Hungarians

The Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány (Americans for Hungarians Foundation) congratulates the American Hungarian Federation (AHF) on its 110th Anniversary of its incorporation, and especially those who in the past gave significant service to Hungarians. The event was held at the beautiful grounds of the Embassy of Hungary in Washington. Zsuzsanna Dreisziger, and (Jules) Gyula Balogh worked tirelessly (pro bono) for months to make this sister organization's Anniversary a success. Kuratorium members Elek Mata and Dr. Judit Kerekes, and the staff of the Embassy  provided extensive help.

AHF Co-President Gyula E. Balogh introduced  His Excellency Hungarian Ambassador to the US Dr. Laszló Szabó, our principal patron, who gave an outstanding review about the long and excellent relationships between the US and Hungary.

The Gala Celebration Program was designed and MC'd  by AHF Board member  Zsuzsanna Dreisziger. She gave a moving speech about hard work, perseverance, the will and faith needed to succeed, and the need to assist  those who are in dire need that was embodied by the founders of AHF. She introduced His Excellency  Dr. Péter Szilágyi, Deputy State Secretary for Hungarian Communities Abroad, Prime Minister's Office, who gave a wonderful speech about the connection between the American and Hungarian communities. He presented an honorary citation for service to Hungarians from Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén and State Secretary Árpád János Potápi.

Other dignitaries were also introduced including Dr. Szilveszter Vizi who received the AHF Award for Service to Hungary; and many American Hungarians who contributed to Hungarian causes (see the video clips). 

Akos L. Nagy, President of AHF, gave his  welcome speech, citing the mission of AHF. Highlights of the evening were the lighting of 110 candles in remembrance of 40 persons who in the past gave significant contributions to AHF, a moving Coming to America Musical which portrayed and described  Hungarian immigration to the US  which caused tears among those present who immigrated, the Service Awards to 12 persons who gave significant contributions to Hungary and AHF, and a presentation on the future of American Hungarian Youth. Music and patriotic American and Hungarian songs for the event were provided pro bono by the exceptionally talented group composed of László Hajdu Németh, Kálmán Magyar Jr, Zsuzsa Seres, Olga Major, Ákos Székely, and George Petran.

A big thank you to the Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt for their support of this event and to Bocskai Radio.

More pictures from 110th Anniversary:
Hungary wins 9 medals at
2017 FINA World Championships
held in Hungary
Hungary Water Polo
Hungary 4x100 Relay
Katinka Hosszú, 4 medals
Kristóf Malik
David Verrasto
Cseh Laszló

FINA 2017 Hungary, best championship ever!
National Development Minister Miklós Seszták
and Mayor of Budapest István Tarlós

celebrate Hungarian hospitality!

Visit Hungary
New: American Hungarian Village in  Kisvárda

click here for more information

The American Hungarian Federation receives the
Friends of Hungary 2017 Award

At the May 5-7 Friends of Hungary Conference, attended by over 200 expatriates and friends from 24 countries, the Federation received this highest award for its work in supporting Hungarians in the US and the Carpathian basin. E. Vizi Szliveszter, Chair of the Board of Trustees presented the award to the American Hungarian Federation (AHF) Co-President Gyula E. Balogh while Minister of the National Economy Mihály Varga and past President and Chair of the Board of AHF Koszorus Ferenc Jr joined in the celebration.

Since the Federation works as a selfless team, Mr. Balogh asked AHF Board members Dr. András Ludányi, Katalin Kádár Lynn, Zsuzsanna Dreisziger Stricz and Youth Committee head Bert Kolus to come to the podium to celebrate, as well as the Honorable Anikó Gáal Schott who was one of AHF's biggest supporters over many years.
Miniszter Varga Mihály, Dr. E. Vizi Szilveszter, Balogh Gyula Elemér, Kádár Lynn Katalin, Dreisziger-Stricz Zsuzsanna, Honorable Gáal Schott Anikó, Kolus Bertalan, ifj. Koszorus Ferenc, Prof Ludányi András

The American Hungarian Federation

 celebrates the 110th Anniversary of its charter.

Our partner foundation in the USA, the American Hungarian Federation®, is the oldest and largest American-Hungarian umbrella organization in the United States. AHF was founded in 1906 and incorporated in 1907 in Cleveland, Ohio as a non-profit association of Hungarian Fraternal societies, institutions and churches to "defend the interest of Americans of Hungarian origin in the United States." Over the past 110 years, AHF's mission has broadened to include support of people of Hungarian descent on both sides of the Atlantic and in the successor states of the Carpathian Basin. The American Hungarian Federation strives to unite the American Hungarian community through work that supports common goals. AHF is a non-partisan, independent organization representing the interests of its member organizations and the Hungarian American community.


We wish you a

Happy and Peaceful New Year!

2016 Hungarian and American Christmas celebration in the
Historic St. Ladislaus Church in New Brunswick. The violinists performing were from age 6 up.

2016 Commemoration of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

60th Anniversary Year 

October 23, 1956.Hungarians from all walks of life rose up against insurmountable odds to fight the brutal Soviet-installed Communist government. Thousands died fighting, tens of thousands were wounded and imprisoned, others – men, women, and children - tortured and executed, while 200,000 fled their homeland, many to the USA.

Their enormous sacrifice may have seemed futile then, but today it is universally recognized as having contributed to the ultimate demise of Soviet domination of Central and Eastern Europe and the restoration of constitutional democracy and independence in Hungary and the region. 

St. Stephen’s Day

(Szent István Nap),

August 20, 2016

St. Stephen of Hungary (Szent István király) was the first king of Hungary and he laid the foundation of the state by converting the Magyar people to Christianity. Hungary was established as a Christian Catholic kingdom under Stephen I (István), a descendant of Árpád, the Magyar leader who united the tribes into one nation in the Carpathian Basin. Stephen was crowned on Christmas Day 1000 AD in the then capital, Esztergom, where he was born. He greatly expanded Hungarian control over the Carpathian Basin, establishing Christianity in the region and is generally considered to be the founder of Hungary. He was canonized in 1083, becoming the most popular saint in Hungary and its patron saint.

St. Stephen's Day is also the day of the Festival of New Bread
which was held on Castle Hill and attended by members of our Foundation Kuratorium. Bread was brought to Budapest  from over 30 organizations throughout Hungary.
Trip to Kisvárda in Eastern Hungary to study foundation support for trade, tourism, educational  and cultural exchanges with the USA,  2016.
Trip to Füzesgyarmat to study foundation support for trade, tourism and and cultural exchanges with the USA.  2016

amklub_logo02.jpgAz Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány

Áldott, Békés, Karácsonyt,

 Boldog Új Esztendőt kíván.


The Americans for Hungarians Foundation

wishes you A Blessed, Peaceful,

Merry Christmas, 

and a Happy New Year

Christmas in New Brunswick, New Jersey USA

HAVASI Symphonic Concert

Carnegie Hall Debut

At the invitation of Her Excellency Dr. Réka Szemerkényi Hungarian Ambassador to the US, kuratorium members attended the Carnegie Hall Debut of this extraordinary Hungarian performer. Click here for more.
Foundation kuratorium members attend
October 23 remembrance in Budapest 2015



On This Day – 560 Years Ago Hungarian Troops Heroically Stopped Europe’s Ottoman Invasion In Belgrade

American Hungarian Federation and
Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation

October 23,1956 Remembrance in the USA

Friends of Hungary Foundation
 May 2015  Conference

was attended by members from 35 countries. The foundation's purpose is to provide an impartial view of the events in Hungary, and to support building the image of Hungarians worldwide.
Our Foundation President Jules Gyula Balogh , Co-President Dreisziger Zsuzsanna, Kuratorium member Csapo Harold Gábor, all also members of the Friends of Hungary Foundation,  attended the annual two day meeting at the beautifully restored Vígadó in Budapest. Here they greet Hungarian President Áder János and his wife Anita Herczegh at the Sándor Palace.
Hálaadás 1
Klikk a videóra
Hálaadás 2
Klikk a videóra
Hálaadás 3
Klikk a videóra
Áldott és békés karácsonyt kivánunk
A Blessed 2014 Christmas
For the memory of the victims of 9-11 and for the sake of the people of the Middle East, we hope the leaders will finally opt for peace.
D-Day Memorial June 6, 2014

SEVENTY YEARS AGO TODAY, tens of thousands of American soldiers, sailors and airmen, along with thousands of allied troops, stormed the beaches of Normandy in Operation Overlord — D-Day .

We remember, and give thanks.

94th Anniversary of the tragedy of Trianon

June 4, 2014

A thousand years of nation building successfully delineated groups based on culture, religion, geography, and other attributes to create the countries with which we are so familiar. While some Western European nations would continue power struggles and princely battles and civil wars, Hungary, founded in 896, was a peaceful multi-ethnic state for over 1100 years and her borders were virtually unchanged.... Until 1920.


"The greatest catastrophe to have befallen Hungary since the battle of Mohacs in 1526," the Treaty of Trianon in 1920, was extremely harsh on Hungary and unjustifiably one-sided. The resulting "treaty" lost Hungary an unprecedented 2/3 of her territory, and 1/2 of her total population or 1/3 of her ethnic-Hungarian population. Add to this the loss of all her seaports, up to 90% of her vast natural resources, industry, railways, and other infrastructure. Millions of Hungarians saw borders arbitrarily redrawn around them, virtually without plebiscites, ignoring President Wilson's lofty goal of national self-determination.

 Excerpted from the American Hungarian Federation partner web site (click here).
2014 Tisza-Tó Expo
május 2-4 -Abádszalók

The Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány kuratóriumi members and the Agricultural Camera EXPO members
Happy and Blessed  Easter!

Friends of Hungary Foundation

3 day conference in Budapest.


Respected professionals from many fields and businesspersons from 20 countries meet for 3 days in Budapest to offer their support to Hungary.

We wish you a
Happy and Peaceful
2014 New Year!
New Year's celebration in New Jersey USA with the Kerekes Judith family, with
the Alapítvány Founder's  and President's families.
A Blessed 2013 Christmas

Christmas Concert at one of the last events at St. Ladislaus Church in New Brunswick, NJ, USA.The Hungarian Community built and established this parish in 1904. On January 1, 2014 it was renamed Holy Family Parish by the Bishop. Hopefully the church hierarchy will remember the  historical significance of this church to Hungarian Americans.
A Virginia Christmas caroling celebration with  the Fedor family.
(click on picture to enlarge)
Our Foundation in conjunction with our sister foundation in the USA,  the American Hungarian Federation, supported the Hungarian Heritage Festival, part of the Smithsonian Festival in Washington DC.
click here to see a video
Fellow Americans and Hungarians:
HUNGARY needs your help now!

Befektetőket és mecénásokat keresünk Magyarországért!

kattints ide

During the past three years our Hungarian based foundation has successfully completed numerous charitable, educational, and entrepreneurial projects with the time and monetary donations of a few selfless individuals and a management that has worked without pay. We need to continue this philanthropic effort with your substantial help. 

We will help you to manage your projects that will help Hungary or please support one of our many initiatives. Our projects range from gifted student exchange programs, to drug prevention programs, to funding and bringing Hungarian inventions to market in Hungary and abroad, to building homes for the underpriviledged, to revitalizing the agricultural and tourism industries through the Új Hangya Cooperatives.

(Click here for making a lasting difference).

We need you to be Hungary's champions. (see how to contribute below)
American Independence Day and
the Spirit of the Tisza Region Festival

June 30-July 3. Our foundation managed this extraordinary patriotic event that was attended by over 125 Americans and Hungarians who celebrated the Tisza region of Hungary and American Independence Day. It also served as an idea generating forum for renewing the Hungarian agricultural and tourism industry.


This holiday is always significant for American Hungarians who remember what America gave them, freedom and opportunity for a better life. This event was the fourth held at the Kékessy portal in Tiszafüred to honor America as well as to strengthen the ties between Hungarians and Americans.


The Fesztival opened on Saturday with beautiful invocation by the  Rev. Kovács Zsolt Levente, Reformed Church Minister of Vizsoly and followed by the Új HANGYA forum, a discussion of the Tisza country and the greater Kun region’s unique characteristics: tourism, natural and cultural endowments, and the cooperative movement in Hungary. Present at this open and sometimes strongly opinionated meeting were numerous town mayors as well as farmers and experts in agriculture, the organic food industry (OMKI) and financial experts (from MNB). 


On Sunday, after the opening toast by the Kékessy family welcoming us to their estate, the host and hostesses of the event the President of the Amerikaiak a Magyarok Közhasznú Alapitvány (Americans for Hungarians Societal Foundation), Balogh Gyula Elemér and Co-President Dreisziger Stricz Zsuzsanna greeted the participants. They mentioned some of the goals of the Foundation which are to strengthen the good name and image of Hungary, as well as to coordinate the effort to showcase and market Hungarian assets domestically and abroad.


The formal event commenced with an ecumenical worship of God led by Rev. Dr. Kocsis Attila Reformed Minister, with an extraordinary invocation relating to faith, freedom and bravery.

Each year after the American and Hungarian anthems we remember Hungarians who have made a significant contribution to America. This year we honored Leslie Halász Szabó who received a posthumous  Medal of Honor from the President of the US, Barack Obama. We also honored Prof. Dr. Szemerédy Endre of Rutgers University and a Hungarian emigree who received the Abel Prize in Mathematics, and who graciously attended. 


Six children who recited the pledge of allegiance and other patriotic verses provided another unforgettable experience.


The head of the Kováts Mihály Middle School in Karcag, Chrappánné Papp Ágnes spoke about  Colonel Kováts Mihály, a Hungarian Hussár , an American Revolutionary War hero,  who is also honored at the Citadel (a leading American military school). He is also the symbol of the American Hungarian Federation- Fidelissimus ad Mortem.


Following this Kekessy György honored 3 American colonels who contributed with their deeds to improve the image of Hungary.


The Hungarian government was represented by Dr. Fazekas Sándor, Minister for Rural Development. He gave a moving talk on promoting and protecting the traditional Hungarian foods, arts and crafts, and opened the cultural display. The Defense Minister Hende Csaba who unfortunately could not attend sent his greetings through Dr. Fazekas. Dr. Kékessy Dezső former Hungarian Ambassador to France also attended.

The renowned gold award Csillaghur folk singing and citera orchestra, the Tambura orchestra from Zenta, and the Tiszafüred Folk Dance Ensemble, provided folk entertainment throughout the late afternoon and evenings of the festival.


The Festival days proved be the hottest of the year, but refreshing drinks and excellent food provided and prepared by Brumbauer Tibor and family (who donated their time, provided beer, and spent the afternoon grilling excellent fish, pork, hamburgers and hot dogs), as well as wine from the Kékessy vinyard (Patricius) and from Király Károly who brought excellent Eger wines.

2014 törölve lett a Közhasznú jogállás
Celebrating Hungarian and American hero
Colonel Kováts Mihály with US Ambassador to Hungary Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis

Participated in the Village/

Country Growth Forums


2010 Események- Activities




Trip to USA to recruit business and philantopic partners in various states




One year anniversary celebration and start of the Tiszántúli Regió Amerikai Magyar Klub led by Kékessy George in Tiszafüred (see the description in the column on the left.)

Distributed seeds, fertilizer and gasoline for tractors and equipement to

farmers in 5 villages affected by the flood (Edelény, Szendrő,Sajósvámos,

Sajószentpéter, Szuhogy.)



We are collecting for the new red sludge disaster and personally delivering flood zone relief to the victims of the flood and rains to ensure that it gets to them. Management works for free on these projects.

The foundation supported the creation of the ÚJ HANGYA Szövetkezet (the New HANGYA national cooperative).

Flood Zone Rebuilding and the
ÚJ HANGYA cooperatives

Research rebuilding the economy of the flood zone in a dozen villages. Prepare project plan for distributing over $200, 000 of donations in partnership with the American Hungarian Federation, and Hungarian firms.

Provide support for the ÚJ HANGYA agricultural and social cooperative movement in Hungary

Click here to see our charity childrens' camp in the latest Takarék magazine

10,000 pounds of Flood Relief Supplies Delivered (click on pictures below)

July 13, 2010. Our Alapítvány, in partnership with the American Hungarian Federation,  and the Kincsem Hungária Szövetkezet,  delivered more than 10,000 pounds of relief supplies into the Hungarian Flood region. (read more)

Partial List of USA and Hungarian Partner Contributors


· Individual Contributors (click for list)


·   Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány-Amerikai Magyar Klub

·   American Hungarian Federation USA

·   Hungarian Christian Society of Venice Florida USA 

·   Hungarian Scout Assoc. Garfield Home USA

·   Hungarian Scouts Troop #38 USA

·   Kossuth Club of Sarasota, Florida USA

·   Minnesota Hungarians USA

·   United Footprints Organization LLC USA

·   Boldvai Takarékszövetség

·   Hungária Érték Papír

·   K.H.K Korona Kft

·   Kincsem Szövetkezet

·   Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank Zrt.

·   Mepet Kft, Székesfehérvár

·   Országos Takarékszövetség

·   Rajkó Zenekar

·   Somogy Megyei Gyermek Tábor

·   Szatmári Konzervgyár Kft, Tyukod



HANGYA (Cooperative) Foundation to rebuild Hungarian Economy

-Expert Team Recruited

-Dr. Horvath Janos Founder

-Home Office in Bazakerettye (Zala Megye)

-Foundation Approved

-Policy Paper on Hungarian Cooperative Movement TBD


USA Trip to Support Hungarian Trade

Distribution Partners and Centers Reviewed






Hungarian Flood Victim Donation Drive

Recruit Donation Partners in the USA and Hungary

American Hungarian Federation in the USA joins effort

Many Hungarian-Americans and other USA citizens contribute

American Clubs and Churches Raise Funds


USA-Hungary Trade Enhancement

Hungarian Innovations and Bplans Analyzed

US-Hungary Patent/ Approval Process Reviewed


MICE- Center for Entrepreneurship

Program for teaching entrepreneurship to Hungarian youth

Served as Jury- 17 Teams, 4 Finalists, ages 16-17


March   ÚJ  (new) HANGYA Cooperative Planning Conference
February Rajkó Charity Ball

Multiple Kossuth and Jászai Mari and other National  Award Winning Artists Performed

Co-sponsored by the
American Hungarian Federation

January -Planning session
for the New Hangya - the cooperative that will make Hungarian agricultural production competitive

Our partner in
Innovations That Help Society:
Be a champion today!
Support good deeds in Hungary
Click here to see how

Bill Clinton's Outrageous Remarks about Hungarians (and Poles)


The members of our foundation have worked pro bono for the last 7 years toward our goal of improving relations between our USA and Hungary, and helping US politicians understand another culture. This  year is the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian revolution against communist dictatorship. For the ex-president to say that Hungarians (and Poles) want a dictatorship is not only false and insulting to both nations that have fought so hard for freedom, but also very detrimental to US relations with Hungarians (and Poles) worldwide. Shame on you Bill for your offensive remarks.

We sponsor charity and cultural events

We supported multiple Rajkó Orchestra Charity Balls
This is the original Rajkó Gypsy Orchestra that plays remarkable Hungarian, classical, popular and Gypsy music
Hungarian drug use prevention program
for young people 
Click on picture for story
McIntosh Middle School Florida
Exchange Program
Opening greeting
Dreisziger Zsuzsanna nyitó köszöntő
(in Hungarian)
Klikk a videóra
The FORUM's Final Suggestions
Click here for the video
5 year anniversary Thanksgiving celebration and FORUM

on improving the US-Hungary relations

PRESS RELEASE November 28, 2014


The Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány (Americans for Hungarians Foundation a non-profit) celebrated its 5 year anniversary on November 26th at the Danubius Hotel Flamenco in Budapest.  We started the foundation because many of us Americans of Hungarian origin and our friends  wanted to give back something to the country of our heritage.


More than 200 persons celebrated Thanksgiving as well as our anniversary with us, radiating a message of peace and understanding between our two countries.

Guests included André Goodfriend the US Embassy Charge d' Affaires and his wife Frances, Prof. Dr. Horváth János former doyen of parliament and his wife Linda, Dr. Réka Szemerkényi the next Hungarian Ambassador to the United States, and Katalin Csorba representing the Hungarian Foreign Ministry.


Following our very  moving Thanksgiving celebration, where many people came to the podium to give thanks for what America gave them, we presented a  brief review of our 5 year extensive charitable projects.


Since the  American Hungarian community is very concerned about the declining relationship between the United States and Hungary, we also included a FORUM whose objective was to restart the strong relationship between the two countries.


The situation had deteriorated to the point where not only the two  governments were at odds but due to what we saw as the overwhelming American government criticism of the Hungarian government, many ordinary Hungarians were also starting to feel attacked, and their feelings of patriotism aroused.

The  current US state department position is well known. The views of the majority of American Hungarians were only minimally recognized in the US. The FORUM was a start in explaining the issues we Americans of Hungarian origin and many Hungarian civilians had with the current US position, and hopefully started  the peace process.

We asked and received the sponsorship and support of the American Hungarian Federation, which was founded in 1906, and  is the largest Hungarian umbrella organization in the US. The goal of the FORUM was to start the peace process and exchange views of both the American Hungarian community and the Hungarians with the US government.  The US Charge d' Affairs, André Goodfriend  was our guest as a representative of the US government, and was treated with the utmost respect.

The FORUM participants included André Goodfriend  the Charge d' Affaires of the US embassy, Frank Koszorus Jr. the President of American Hungarian Federation, Dr. Lomnici Zoltán the spokesperson of the Civil Összefogás Fórum (CÖF),  Hejj Tibor, the President of P-M-C Consulting who has sponsored many charity projects,  and the President of the host Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány, (Jules) Gyula Balogh.


The main message that the celebration gave to both the Americans and Hungarians was one of peace, that the American Hungarian community expects both governments to start on the process as soon as possible, and to discuss the negative issues in private and not through the press.

 Click here for the FORUM

(Jules) Gyula Balogh




Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány

Az Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány november 26-án ünnepelte 5 éves évfordulóját. Az Alapítványt azzal a szándékkal indítottuk el, hogy összefogjuk és ösztönözzük a magyar származású és érzelmű amerikaiakat, barátokat Magyarországért. (


A Thanksgiving ünnepével egybekötve több mint 200-an a megbocsátás és a megbékélés üzenetét sugalltuk a két nemzet között.


A rendezvény kiemelkedő jelentőségű hálaadás programját a Fórum  követte, melyben a két ország között a párbeszéd valamint a kommunikáció erősítését fogalmazta meg. Kennedy elnök gondolatait idézve, "Minden problémánál felsejlik a megoldás reménysugara; és a szilárd bizonyosság, hogy semmi sem biztos vagy megváltoztathatatlan."


A jelenlegi amerikai kormány Magyarországhoz való negatív viszonyulása közismert.

Az Alapítvány, mint civil szervezet, úgy érezte, Amerika és Magyarország közötti békétlenség nem csak a magyar kormányt érintette, hanem a magyar népet is. Az amerikai magyar közösség aggodalmát fejezte ki az Egyesült Államok és Magyarország közötti kapcsolat jelenlegi helyzetéről.


A Fórum célul tűzte ki, hogy a békéltetéssel egyidejűleg feltárja, eljuttassa üzenetként a békétlenség okait, a megoldáshoz vezető utat, a pozitív jövőképet.  


Az udvarias hangvételű magyar és angol nyelvű Fórumban köszönthettük  André Goodfriendet

az Egyesült államok ideiglenes ügyvivőjét, az Amerikai Magyar Szövetség elnökét ifj. Koszorús Ferencet, a Civil Összefogás Fórum (CÖF) szóvivőjét  ifj. Dr. Lomnici Zoltánt valamint Héjj Tibor P-M-C Consulting elnökét, aki számos jótékonysági projekt alapítója.A Fórumot Balogh Gyula Elemér az Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány elnöke vezette.


Alapítványunk felkérte az Amerikai Magyar Szövetség (1906) támogatását az Egyesült Államokban, mint a legnagyobb magyar esernyőszervezetet. A Szövetség felkarolta a két ország közötti párbeszéd hírértékét, pozitív üzenetének eljuttatását Amerikába, reményt adva az amerikai-magyar kapcsolatok mielőbbi áldatlan helyzetének jobbrafordulásában.


A program ünnepi pillanatait követte az Amerikai Magyar Fiatalok Klubjának elindítása.Átadtuk a stafétabotot, Csapó Harold Gábor amerikai-magyar kurátorunknak.


Célunk, a jövő nemzedéke számára megőrizni, átörökíteni  hazánk szellemi, kulturális, tudományos értékeit. Az eredményességhez elengedhetetlen a több generációs fiatalok széles körű bevonása, aktív részvételük és szerepvállalásuk előmozdítása a közéletbe.


Budapest, 2014. november 28.

Klikk a FORUM-ra 


Balogh Gyula Elemér

Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány elnöke

Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'
 Remembrance Day
April 28, 2014
Our foundation honors the victims, and
those who helped to save lives
such as our co-president's uncle
 who is honored by Vad Yashem.

Victims of Communism Day

in Hungary

February 25, 2014

Our foundation honors the 100 million victims

and those who risked their lives

to oppose the communist terror

(See Terror House remembrances at Andrássy út 60)

American Hungarian Federation (AHF) Co-President, and Hungarian Reformed Federation of America President Gyula Balogh, AHF Chair Ákos Nagy, AHF President Ferenc Koszorus and guests honor the Victims of Communism at the Washington DC memorial
American Independence Day

Each year we celebrate American Independence Day on July 4th.  In the prior 5 years we celebrated with our American and Hungarian friends at the Kékessy estate in Tiszafüred. This year members of our foundation Kuratórium  celebrated the holiday both in the USA and Hungary.

USA -HUNGARY Innovation Centers
October 2014
Our foundation is helping a number of inventors to bring their products to market, by explaining the US market, American business thinking, helping with patent applications, creating business plans and finding partners.

On October 16-17 we attended the Innotrends 2014 display in Budapest and are partnering with selected exhibitors. Our purpose is to help the inventors succeed and navigate  through the marketing, financial and vulture business practice roadblocks.
Good News
for stories click here

Hungarian Gyurta Daniel delivers copy of his Olympic gold medal to the family of Alexander Dale Oen in Norway

Endre Szemerédi a Hungarian scientist has been awarded the Abel Prize, considered to be the Nobel-prize for mathematics.


Ted Ligety, American of Hungarian origin,
wins Super G ski title

Hungarian-Americans win in Summer Olympics: Rebecca Soni (Szőnyi) (2 Golds and a Silver with 2 World Records) and Susan (Zsuzsanna) Francia (Gold Medalist and 5-time World Champion)
Hungarian American donates Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center, New York, to the American people
Purpose of Our Hungarian Foundation
We are dedicated to improving relations between the USA and Hungary, through charitable projects, cultural exchanges, trade, and bringing Hungarian innovations to market.

The grandson of Almási Balogh Elemér came from the USA to start our foundation and to restart the HANGYA agricultural cooperatives the latter built. These cooperatives of small farmers saved Hungary once before and may be helpful again in the current  coronavirus and world crisis situation.
Thank you to the Bethlen Gábor
Alapkezelő Zrt. for their support:
Prime Minister Orbán and government leaders meet with 45th President Trump in NJ

Prime Minister Orban's party Fidesz wins 68.34% or 136 (of 199) seats in parliament based on a platform of Peace and Safety (Béke és Biztonság). Despite widespread national and international left wing and woke opposition and distortion of facts about Hungary, the Hungarian people rose up to defend their nation and re-elected the conservatives. Consortium of parties DK Jobbik LMP MSZP Momentum win 27.64% or 55 seats. Mi Hazánk party wins 3.54% or 7 seats.

Yes there is free speech and media is NOT controlled by the Hungarian government. Actually the left and right are balanced there, unlike (unfortunately) the EU or our USA.  See article Hungarian Media is Alive and Well of April 5, 2022 in the Washington Examiner   here

We support bringing Hungarian Innovations to market in the USA. Entrepreneurs and small businesses, do you need investors, financing or counseling? Click on the web site:


Our hearts and deepest condolences
go out to the families of the
Pittsburgh Synagogue tragedy.

Our places of worship are sacrosanct.
Let us pray that hatred of all forms
will be eliminated everywhere.

Foundation President (Jules) Gyula Elemér Balogh was awarded the Hungarian Order of Merit Officer's Cross by János Áder President of the Republic of Hungary which was signed on April 23, 2018, for strengthening Hungarian-American relations and his work in promoting the good image of Hungary in the United States.



In Hungary- Forint- For
Amerikaiak a Magyarokért  Alapítvány
UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.

From abroad-külföldről érkező

utalás esetén: FORINT

Amerikaiak a Magyarokért  Alapítvány
UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.


IBAN: HU06 1091 8001 0000 0075 0680 0015


USA 973-786-1130
HU 0620-328-5820
HU 0620-988-6839


Csapó Harold Gábor, Foundation Kuratorium member receives 1956 remembrance service award.

New US Ambassador

David B. Cornstein of New York, was nominated by President Trump to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States to Hungary. He was confirmed by the United States Senate on May 24, 2018 and presented his credentials to the President of the Republic of Hungary on June 25, 2018. Mr. Cornstein is chairman of Pinnacle Advisors, Ltd and was previously CEO, president, and ultimately chairman emeritus of Finlay Enterprise, a billion-dollar NASDAQ Stock Exchange Company.  A native New Yorker, Mr. Cornstein served as chairman of the New York City Off-Track Betting Corporation and as vice chair of the city’s Economic Development Corporation.  He was also chair of the New York State Olympic Games commission and a board member of the Battery Park City Authority and of the Jacob Javits Development Corporation.   He has been recognized as Man of the Year by the Chemotherapy Foundation and the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.  He earned his B.A. from Lafayette College and M.B.A from New York University. We wish him the best.

Our Foundation Supports the Balatonfüred
 Radnóti Middle School 2018 Charity Ball
& Initiates USA Teacher Exchange Program
This wonderful charity ball was organized by  Dr. Anett Tamás, who invited Foundation President Balogh and Co-President Dreisziger.  Dr. Judit Kerekes, our generous kuratorium member, initiated this exchange program by inviting the Radnóti Middle School Principal, Dr. István Steierlein,  to participate in the City University of New York, College of Staten Island XII Annual Mathematics Connections Conference in New York that she manages.
Our hearts and deepest condolences
go out to the families of the
Las Vegas tragedy.

Hosted New Brunswick, NJ 

Students in Parliament

Bio and Farmers Market

The Alapítvány provided financial assistance to  the Új Hangya Szövetkezet (Új Hangya Cooperative) to help start the Jancsárkert-Új Hangya Farmers and Bio Market in Székesfehérvár.

Amerikai Magyar Klub Business Börze

Business Networking Event

Delivery of laptop computers donated by the American Hungarian Federation to Zalabér gifted students.

Sponsored Childrens’ Day

In Abádszalok with AHF

Honored Kováts Mihály School  

with AHF in Karcag

Rehabbed the Flooded Sports

Building in Satoraljaújhely

Creating cooperatives to revitalize agriculture and tourism.
Hungary has very fertile agricultural lands and an excellent water supply, which are in danger of being lost to various interests. We are creating a series of cooperatives and consortiums (ÚJ HANGYA) that will save the local agricultural industry for Hungarians, based on the successful model of the historic HANGYA movement started in 1898.  Above is the
ÚJ HANGYA Székesfehérvár és Környéke cooperative market.
Vizsoly-location of the oldest Hungarian bible-planting 1000 seedlings in a low income area
In partnership with the Házat Hazát Alapítvány and local citizens 1000 donated seedlings were planted. Plans were developed to build a free home for a physician to serve 5 local towns-there are no physicians in the local area.
Friends of Hungary President Vizi Szilveszter and President Balogh strategize about how to help Hungary. Peter Hantz from Switzerland, Tony Kez from Canada and Ernő Sajó from Boston are in the background.
The Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány honors the
Honorable Colleen Bell
American Ambassador to Hungary

Foundation President Balogh greets Ambassador Colleen Bell, husband Bradley Bell, and daughter Caroline
On March 14th, 2015 our non-profit foundation sponsored a warm welcome celebration at the Hungarian State Opera for the American Ambassador and her family. The objective was to showcase one part of the vast Hungarian culture to the Ambassador, as well as for her to meet Hungarians from many walks of life.

We invited her family and guests to the performance of Bánk bán by Erkel, arguably the most famous of the Hungarian operas.

The guests included persons from The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, physicians, architects, experts in finance, geologists, students, founders of the Hungarian Special Olympics, charitable organizations, Tokaj wineries, owners of  small and large businesses, technologists and inventors. 

Our foundation

supports the

Tiszaörs Societal Cooperative

At the invitation of Tiszaörs Mayor Bosonné Gyöngy Erika, our foundation leaders traveled 160 km to Tiszaörs to support the inauguration of the pasta factory of the Tiszaörs Societal Cooperative. This factory created 8 jobs for those on unemployment benefits. The cooperative, which is in a very poor area, also hires the unemployed to make hand-woven embroideries. Since the societal cooperatives are meant to teach skills for jobs but have restrictions on selling, we promised to petition the government so they can sell their products which because of their small volume will not compete with established firms..

Co-president Zsuzsanna Dreisziger is pictured on the right.Mayor Bosonné Gyöngy Erika second from right
120th Anniversary
First Hungarian Reformed Church Congregation
of New York
November 2015

The Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány Kuratorium members celebrated the anniversary to support the Hungarian Reformed  Church on East 69th Street. President Balogh, who is Catholic, contributed a personal donation and spoke on behalf of the foundation and also as Co-President of the American Hungarian Federation. He asked that regardless of religious affiliation we support the Hungarian churches in the US that are in danger of disappearing.

Our foundation supports the

New York Hungarian Scientific Society

on its 5th Anniversary

Foundation President Balogh Gyula, Co-President Dreisziger Zsuzsanna, and Advisory Board member Dr. Kerekes Judit attended the 5th Anniversary Celebration  of the Society held at the Hungarian Consulate in New York.

Our foundation and its partner organizations in the USA-the Americans for Hungarians non-profit corporation and the Hungarian Innovation Center, Inc. support the activities of the Society by offering a real world approach to bringing research efforts to market.

Our Foundation supported the Dedication of the Hungarian Chapel in DC honoring Hungarian-American history in the USA in 2015

The Alapítvány signs a cooperation agreement with the Hungarian Reformed (church) Charity Foundation and delivers financial support to Hungarian farmers who were affected by the floods in 2013.

Meeting with Hungarian President Áder

to discuss improving USA-Hungary relations

at the Friends of Hungary Conference 2/2014


Flood Victim Support Activities


100 Children of the Flood Zone were treated to a free summer camp. Thanks to the generous donations of the Takarékbank ZRT, the Országos Takarékszövetkezeti Szövetség, the American Hungarian Federation,  and others, including the leaders of the Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Alapítvány.


 Helping farmers who were victims of the floods and rains 

By purchasing seeds, manure, and gasoline for farmers in 5 towns we were able to obtain substantial discounts, and by donating these we saved a number of farmers from bankruptcy.

We Americans  remember the 100 million Victims of Communism. Hungary, starting with the Red Terror led by Béla Kun after World War I, the Rákosi terror regime and 40 years of Soviet Occupation, had over half a million victims. US President Bush dedicates Victims of Communism Memorial in Washington DC June 12, 2007.

Business Seminar with AMCO Kft &

Quinnipiac University MBA students  

We celebrated our 5th Anniversary

On November 26 we had our 5 year anniversary Thanksgiving celebration and FORUM on Improving American-Hungarian relations with American and Hungarian guests. Sponsored by the American Hungarian Federation.


Thanksgiving videos
(in Hungarian)
Mr. Gyula Balogh and Ms. Dreisziger-Stricz Zsuzsanna representing the   American Hungarian Federation and our foundation attend the Hungarian Embassy Gala Dinner in honor of the heroes of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution against communist tyranny. Nine members of the American Hungarian Federation were present at  this extraordinary remembrance attended by over 400 persons at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium.  Ambassador Bell also graced the gala with her presence.

Unveiling of the statue titled “Lads of Budapest” Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight at the new Hungarian Embassy in Washington, DC. US Ambassador Colleen Bell gave a solemn remembrance. Six American Hungarian Federation Board members Ákos Nagy AHF President, Paul Kamenár, Ferenc Koszorus Jr, Imre Nemeth, Zoltán Bagdy and Gyula Balogh, as a sign of Hungarian unity, laid flowers at the statue. Americans for Hungary foundation leaders Balogh Gyula and Dreisziger-Stricz Zsuzsanna honor freedom fighters.

Current World Situation

We support Israel

We support a Palestinian State

We support immediate peace in the Middle East
the Russian-Ukraine War
Current World Situation

We support those who want to save America from its current path

We support Israel

We support a Palestinian State

We support immediate peace in the Middle East
the Russian-Ukraine War